Birthday Post!

Because I must have it every year. I am now 26 years old. Crap. I was just telling my friends that my sister got engaged at 26 and my brother-in-law was 26 years old too. The thought of it is just slightly scary though I must say that our situations are quite different. So I guess there is more time.

I think time has been catching up to me lately. It just suddenly feels like I am stepping into world of adulthood. There is so much things to think of. HDB, marriage, money, job opportunities. It suddenly feels like I don’t have enough time to do all these. Haha. Been spending a lot of time thinking about my future prospects. What I want to do in the future, which speciality and where. It all feels daunting.

Next year I will finally be working. It is scary but I am excited at the same time. For once, I will be earning money which I can choose what I want to spend on. Financial independence here I come! Haha.

Till another time. Can’t wait till the end of this rotation. Argh.

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