
Time sure passes fast. It has been 2 months since the last time I wrote something down here. I did previously try to pen some stuff down but it didn’t make it to publishing.

I am currently sitting in Red Door bakery having a nice coffee and an awesome chicken pie. It is sometimes nice to sit down by yourself in a cafe and have your thoughts to yourself. It isn’t really crowded today so I guess I get to stay longer. Lucky me! If you have a chance, do drop by this place. It has the best pastries in Adelaide (or so I feel). It’s just a short walk from Croyden railway station so it’s pretty convenient by public transport too.20140315_224330000_iOS

I haven’t blogging mainly because I haven’t been in the best of moods. This holidays have been great and I am glad to be surrounded by people that care. It has made it a lot more bearable. There was a saga that occurred in Med School end of last year and I was very unfortunately to be involved in it. I don’t really want to get into specifics but let’s just say the implications were serious. There was a time I thought the consequences of my mistake might lead me to repeating a year to getting kicked out of Med School. Something I did without any malicious intent. In fact, I had good intentions. I guess I was naive in my thinking. I hate it because I like assuming the best in people. I always try to give people the benefit of the doubt but I am really finding it hard in this case.

There was just a lot of waiting in general. Initially, it was waiting for the incident to blow over. Waiting for the investigations. Waiting for the meeting Waiting for the consequences. It was almost 3 months of waiting and I must say it wasn’t the best for my mental health. I didn’t have a single good night’s rest for those 3 months and the constant background worry was driving me crazy.

All this waiting is over now and I am glad that I can put this incident to rest. I am glad that I “escaped” relatively unscathed. Don’t be mistaken, I am not happy with the the outcome but I am ready to close this chapter of my life and go back to living my life. One more reason for me to return to Singapore after this year.

Ok. I have said my piece. Now to take a long walk back home and enjoy the scenery! Expect more blogging in the coming months.


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