Confessions of a Younger Brother

JXYMy sister got married yesterday!! It was a full day of hurrying around, driving, videoing and editing. The wedding dinner didn’t end very late but by the time we got back it was probably around midnight. Considering we were up since 5:30am with very little sleep the day before, everyone pretty much concussed after cleaning up.

We were all very tired but it was all worth it. To see my sister enjoy the happiest day of her life is well worth all this effort. To see her with the love of her life starting a new journey together brings tears to my eyes. I found myself choking up many times during the whole day but fortunately I had a camera to hid behind so I don’t think anyone really saw it or so I hope. I am a big softie, I tear so easily that I become irritated by myself sometimes. I don’t know what it is but the sight or sound of someone cry almost always makes me want to tear too especially when the other person is my family member.

I am overjoyed that my sister has tied the knot with the man of her dreams but at the same time I know things at home would not be the same. My sister is now someone’s husband and she has her own family to take care of. She is still my sister and will forever be my sister but her priorities have changed and I need to accept that. I am finding it very hard to accept it.

I am being selfish but it shows how awesome my sister is. She has always been the sensible one out of the 3 of us. The one that my mom praises the most. The one that will give me advice when I need. The one that will stand up for me when I am being taken advantage of. The one that didn’t neglect her family despite having a boyfriend who is now her husband. I don’t want to share her amazingness with someone else but she should. My new brother-in-law and sister should have lots of babies and pass down this awesomeness that they have.

To my sister: You have something very beautiful  and special with Jianxin and it is obvious when I am filming it. I don’t know if others could see it but I can. The way you two look at each other. It is unmistakable. You guys said in your vows that neither of you are perfect but no one is. Your relationship has always been the relationship that I long for. Something I want for myself when the time is right. To me, your relationship is perfect. Well, I wish your two lots of happiness and joy. I hope you liked the video that I have shed much tears making because it was so touching and perfect. Enjoy!


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